


就這樣黑白禿毛烤玉米 幾個月之後 ~~~~~ ~

黑在部門內,由於部門內部調整的關係,黑被調整到另一個小組中,由另一位長官所帶領,但由於長官作風與之前的長官不同,於事發現了黑在工作上,並非如之前的順利穩定,在加上需求的相關單位長官,對於成果覺得不滿意,於是黑的工作越來越多聲音產生,但其工作的困難性與複雜度,若以洗澡來比喻,就是要求洗乾淨一樣,仔細洗乾淨,就完成了,不用除毛、漂白,不用消毒淨化等複雜技術,但是黑就是越來越明顯,洗頭不洗臉,洗手不洗腳,或是洗完大個便,不然就是穿衣服洗澡,導致長官不是被罵,就是去罰站擦屁股,就這樣搞了幾個月後~ ~ ~









最近部門內的長官將磁碟可用容量統計表,交待每個月要統計一次,由於報表簡單,且每月要執行,索性就花了兩天的時間,將統計的工作,建立成一個Script 檔案,並自動發E-Mail 向長官報告,經測試,需要WMI功能要開啟,通訊PORT使用DCOM 的 TCP / 135 ,有些伺服器的Windows 防火牆,手動關閉後,WMI服務確與ICS相關,怎麼開PORT都沒有用,若有這種狀況,就要將ICS服務給停用,測試後還蠻順利的,應該可以達到自動報告給長官的功能。









「那我把胸罩 脫了行嗎?」
「不行,妳一脫了凶兆,就會出現 人生的兩個大波。」........





所以我用了#region ....... #end region的區塊,將各種不同用處的Function作區隔,


#region "region description"

public function fn1() as string

end function

#end region



SQL 2005 Database Mail

無法查看此摘要。請 按這裡查看文章。



一大早到公司,協理的電腦中毒了,聽說很嚴重,協理便說,系統管理者來了,最後的 希望,如果沒有解就沒救了。
這樣講,要是沒解,招牌就砸了,唉呀,搞了一早,還是沒解,這病毒好機車,不但防止了好多防毒軟體執行,還會自動下載一大堆病毒下來,Vista WinPE開機用ERD command 無法選target系統,執行防毒軟體就顯示【不是正確的Win32應用程式】,解了一個接一個,只能說,協理,你的電腦已百毒纏身了,歐密陀佛。


NTBackup 全自動備份

@Echo Off
ECHO 備份系統狀態中…

REM 設定記錄檔路徑
Set LogFile="D:\Daily\%date:~0,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%.TXT"
Set Slp="\\FileServer\SYSTEM\BAK_CMDS_TOOLS\sleep.exe"

netsh dhcp server export "\\FileServer\Backup\DHCP\DHCP.TXT" all

REM 4mm DDS 重新整理媒體櫃、實體媒體或特定媒體類型的所有裝置。需等待時間60秒





FiberLogic OptiQroute 2120RS 與 Xtera AscenLink 330比較


FiberLogic OptiQroute 2120RS


的透通模式 是透過 proxy arp 的方式 搭配 special external route 讓走向相同subnet 線路的 packet 不要再做一次source nat.
可以透過透通模式 ,來達成不改變internet client與 防火牆的public ip 建立VPN封包的ip header


如何在Windows 2008安裝SQL 2000

SQL 2000 能安裝的作業系統最高版本是 Server 2003
Server 2008 R2 能安裝的最低 SQL 版本是 2005.

所以在Windows 2008 R2的環境,若直接從 autorun.exe 開始安裝SQL 2000會出現下列錯誤訊息,不論是SQL 2000的哪一個版本都一樣。

直接到光碟路徑下執行 \X86\SETUP\SETUPSQL.EXE ,即可進行安裝。


Visual Studio 2010 安裝失敗

Visual Studio 2010 用ISO檔案,安裝失敗,停在Microsoft .NET Framework 4 多目標套件。
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 多目標套件,參考個別部署 Visual Studio 2010 元件,無法手動安裝。

更換其他Visual Studio 2010光碟安裝。


SQL 2005 重要效能計數物件(Performance Counter)及建議值

SQL Server - Performance Counter Guidance

Traditionally we have shied away from noting specific values or thresholds that are indicative of good or bad performance. One reason for this is because coming up with good values is quite hard to do, and people sometimes see that a particular value is outside of some threshold and become fixated on that being the issue when in reality it may not be. For example, the Windows NT Resource Kit had a section that stated that a disk queue length greater than two to three times the number of disk spindles was indicative of a performance problem. When working with SQL Server this is not always true, especially if read ahead activity is driving the disk queue length. Just because there is a queue waiting for IO does not necessarily mean that SQL Server is stalled waiting for the IO to complete. We have seen disk queue lengths up in the 20-30 range (on much fewer than 10 disks) where SQL Server performance was just fine.

However, in the absence of specific values people sometimes look at Performance Monitor data and fail to spot interesting trends. So despite the hesitation to provide any specific values, we will attempt to note some thresholds where a given counter starts to attract the interest of those who have been working some of these cases over the past several years. Hopefully this will provide you some guidance in things that stand out. But ultimately, you will need to look for other counters that also seem out of range so that you can start developing a pattern of indicators that point to a particular type of problem.

It should be fairly easy for you to visually identify a counter whose value changed substantially during a problematic time period. Quite often you will find that there are many counters that changed significantly. With a blocking problem, for example, you might see user connections, lock waits and lock wait time all increase while batch requests/sec decreases. If you focused solely on a particular counter (or a few counters) you might come to some very different conclusions about what the problem is, and you could very likely be wrong. Some of the changes in counter values are the cause of the original problem, whereas others are just side affects from that problem.

In the ideal situation, the change in the counters that indicate the cause of the problem should lead the counters showing the affect, but due to the granularity used to capture Performance Monitor data some of these distinctions can be lost. If you collect data once every 15 seconds and the problem was of quick onset, it can be hard to figure out if user connections went up first and then lock timeouts, or vice versa. This is where you have to use other available information, such as other performance counters, the customer’s description of the problem, etc, to form a theory as to what you think may be wrong and then look for other supporting data to prove or disprove your theory.

The most important counters are in blue.

It is recommended to save the counters to a CSV file or a SQL Server database.

The sample rate should be every 15 seconds.

This is the list of the SQL Server counters only. Please also use the Windows Server Performance Counters.

SQL Performance Counters



Preferred Value


SQLServer:Access Methods

Forwarded Records/sec

< 10 per 100 Batch Requests/Sec

Rows with varchar columns can experience expansion when varchar values are updated with a longer string. In the case where the row cannot fit in the existing page, the row migrates and access to the row will traverse a pointer. This only happens on heaps (tables without clustered indexes). Evaluate clustered index for heap tables. In cases where clustered indexes cannot be used, drop non-clustered indexes, build a clustered index to reorg pages and rows, drop the clustered index, then recreate non-clustered indexes.

SQLServer:Access Methods

Full Scans / sec

(Index Searches/sec)/(Full Scans/sec) > 1000

This counter monitors the number of full scans on base tables or indexes. Values greater than 1 or 2 indicate that we are having table / Index page scans. If we see high CPU then we need to investigate this counter, otherwise if the full scans are on small tables we can ignore this counter. A few of the main causes of high Full Scans/sec are
• Missing indexes
• Too many rows requested
Queries with missing indexes or too many rows requested will have a large number of logical reads and an increased CPU time.

SQLServer:Access Methods

Index Searches/sec

(Index Searches/sec)/(Full Scans/sec) > 1000

Number of index searches. Index searches are used to start range scans, single index record fetches, and to reposition within an index. Index searches are preferable to index and table scans. For OLTP applications, optimize for more index searches and less scans (preferably, 1 full scan for every 1000 index searches). Index and table scans are expensive I/O operations.

SQLServer:Access Methods

Page Splits/sec

< 20 per 100 Batch Requests/Sec

Number of page splits per second that occur as the result of overflowing index pages. Interesting counter that can lead us to our table / index design. This value needs to be low as possible. If you find out that the number of page splits is high, consider increasing the fillfactor of your indexes. An increased fillfactor helps to reduce page splits because there is more room in data pages before it fills up and a page split has to occur.

Note that this counter also includes the new page allocations as well and doesn’t necessarily pose a problem. The other place we can confirm the page splits that involve data or index rows moves are the fragmented indexes on page splits.

SQL Server:Buffer Manager

Buffer Cache hit ratio

> 90%

This counter indicates how often SQL Server goes to the buffer, not the hard disk, to get data. The higher this ratio, the less often SQL Server has to go to the hard disk to fetch data, and performance overall is boosted. Unlike many of the other counters available for monitoring SQL Server, this counter averages the Buffer Cache Hit Ratio from the time the last instance of SQL Server was restarted. In other words, this counter is not a real-time measurement, but an average of all the days since SQL Server was last restarted. In OLTP applications, this ratio should exceed 90-95%. If it doesn't, then you need to add more RAM to your server to increase performance. In OLAP applications, the ratio could be much less because of the nature of how OLAP works. In any case, more RAM should increase the performance of SQL Server OLAP activity.

SQL Server:Buffer Manager

Free list stalls/sec

< 2

Free list stalls/sec is the frequency with which requests for available database pages are suspended because no buffers are available. Free list stall rates of 3 or 4 per second indicate too little SQL memory available.

SQL Server:Buffer Manager

Free pages

> 640

Total number of pages on all free lists.

SQL Server:Buffer Manager

Lazy Writes/Sec

< 20

This counter tracks how many times a second that the Lazy Writer process is moving dirty pages from the buffer to disk in order to free up buffer space. Generally speaking, this should not be a high value, say more than 20 per second or so. Ideally, it should be close to zero. If it is zero, this indicates that your SQL Server's buffer cache is plenty big and SQL Server doesn't have to free up dirty pages, instead waiting for this to occur during regular checkpoints. If this value is high, then a need for more memory is indicated.

SQL Server:Buffer Manager

Page Life Expectancy

> 300

This performance monitor counter tells you, on average, how long data pages are staying in the buffer. If this value gets below 300 seconds, this is a potential indication that your SQL Server could use more memory in order to boost performance.

SQLServer:Buffer Manager

Page lookups/sec

(Page lookups/sec) / (Batch Requests/sec) < 100

Number of requests to find a page in the buffer pool. When the ratio of page lookups to batch requests is much greater than 100, this is an indication that while query plans are looking up data in the buffer pool, these plans are inefficient. Identify queries with the highest amount of logical I/O's and tune them.

SQL Server:Buffer Manager

Page reads/sec

< 90

Number of physical database page reads issued. 80 – 90 per second is normal, anything that is above indicates indexing or memory constraint.

SQL Server:Buffer Manager

Page writes/sec

< 90

Number of physical database page writes issued. 80 – 90 per second is normal, anything more we need to check the lazy writer/sec and checkpoint counters, if these counters are also relatively high then, it’s memory constraint.

SQLServer:General Statistics


< 2

> 2 per second indicates that the application is not correctly using connection pooling.

SQLServer:General Statistics


< 2

> 2 per second indicates that the application is not correctly using connection pooling.

SQLServer:General Statistics

User Connections

See Description

The number of users currently connected to the SQL Server.

Note: It is recommended to review this counter along with “Batch Requests/Sec”. A surge in “user connections” may result in a surge of “Batch Requests/Sec”. So if there is a disparity (one going up and the other staying flat or going down), then that may be a cause for concern. With a blocking problem, for example, you might see user connections, lock waits and lock wait time all increase while batch requests/sec decreases.

SQL Server:Latches

Latch Waits/sec

(Total Latch Wait Time) / (Latch Waits/Sec) < 10

This is the number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately. In other words, these are the amount of latches, in a one second period that had to wait.

SQL Server:Latches

Total Latch Wait Time (ms)

(Total Latch Wait Time) / (Latch Waits/Sec) < 10

This is the total latch wait time (in milliseconds) for latch requests in the last second

SQL Server:Locks

Lock Wait Time (ms)

See Description”

Total wait time (milliseconds) for locks in the last second.

Note: For “Lock Wait Time” it is recommended to look beyond the Avg value. Look for any peaks that are close (or exceeds) to a wait of 60 sec. Though this counter counts how many total milliseconds SQL Server is waiting on locks during the last second, but the counter actually records at the end of locking event. So most probably the peaks represent one huge locking event. If those events exceeds more than 60seconds then they may have extended blocking and could be an issue. In such cases, thoroughly analyze the blocking script output. Some applications are written for timing out after 60 seconds and that’s not acceptable response for those applications.

SQL Server:Locks

Lock Waits/sec


This counter reports how many times users waited to acquire a lock over the past second. Note that while you are actually waiting on the lock that this is not reflected in this counter—it gets incremented only when you “wake up” after waiting on the lock. If this value is nonzero then it is an indication that there is at least some level of blocking occurring. If you combine this with the Lock Wait Time counter, you can get some idea of how long the blocking lasted. A zero value for this counter can definitively prove out blocking as a potential cause; a nonzero value will require looking at other information to determine whether it is significant.

SQL Server:Locks

Number of Deadlocks/sec

< 1

The number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock.

SQLServer:Memory Manager

Total Server Memory(KB)

See Description

The Total Server Memory is the current amount of memory that SQL Server is using. If this counter is still growing the server has not yet reached its steady-state, and it is still trying to populate the cache and get pages loaded into memory. Performance will likely be somewhat slower during this time since more disk I/O is required at this stage. This behavior is normal. Eventually Total Server Memory should approximate Target Server Memory.

SQLServer:SQL Statistics

Batch Requests/Sec

See Description

This counter measures the number of batch requests that SQL Server receives per second, and generally follows in step to how busy your server's CPUs are. Generally speaking, over 1000 batch requests per second indicates a very busy SQL Server, and could mean that if you are not already experiencing a CPU bottleneck, that you may very well soon. Of course, this is a relative number, and the bigger your hardware, the more batch requests per second SQL Server can handle. From a network bottleneck approach, a typical 100Mbs network card is only able to handle about 3000 batch requests per second. If you have a server that is this busy, you may need to have two or more network cards, or go to a 1Gbs network card.

Note: Sometimes low batch requests/sec can be misleading. If there were a SQL statements/sec counter, this would be a more accurate measure of the amount of SQL Server activity. For example, an application may call only a few stored procedures yet each stored procedure does lot of work. In that case, we will see a low number for batch requests/sec but each stored procedure (one batch) will execute many SQL statements that drive CPU and other resources. As a result, many counter thresholds based on the number of batch requests/sec will seem to identify issues because the batch requests on such a server are unusually low for the level of activity on the server.

We cannot conclude that a SQL Server is not active simply by looking at only batch requests/sec. Rather, you have to do more investigation before deciding there is no load on the server. If the average number of batch requests/sec is below 5 and other counters (such as SQL Server processor utilization) confirm the absence of significant activity, then there is not enough of a load to make any recommendations or identify issues regarding scalability.

SQLServer:SQL Statistics

SQL Compilations/sec

< 10% of the number of Batch Requests/Sec

The number of times per second that SQL Server compilations have occurred. This value needs to be as low as possible. If you see a high value such as over 100, then it’s an indication that there are lots of adhoc queries that are running, might cause CPU usage, solution is to re-write these adhoc as stored procedure or use sp_executeSQL.

SQLServer:SQL Statistics

SQL Re-Compilations/sec

< 10% of the number of SQL Compilations/sec

This needs to be nil in our system as much as possible. A recompile can cause deadlocks and compile locks that are not compatible with any locking type.

Performance Counters for SQL Server 2005

( SQL Server Premier Field Engineers in Microsoft UK )

SQL Server - Performance Counter Guidance





隨著微軟 (MSFT-US) 執行長史蒂夫.鮑默爾 (Steve Ballmer) 旋風式訪台,雲端技術成為了台灣科技產業近期最火熱的話題。雲端聽起來很有距離感,就像經濟部長形容的「雲深不知處」一樣,很多人都不懂這項技術到底在做什麼,不過,其實人類的生活中,早已處處是「雲端技術」。
到底什麼是雲端技術?Google (GOOG-US) 定義「雲端運算」是一種將日常資訊、工具及程式放到網際網路上的資源利用新方式,正因為所有資訊都被放置到網路的虛擬空間裡,因此稱之為雲端 。使用者可以透過任何連上網的終端裝置,隨時隨地接受郵件、或分享圖文資訊。

這樣的定義,看起來很抽象,不過,舉個生活中顯而易見的例子,例如網路郵件服務、網路相簿等,就是最常出現在我們日常生活週遭的雲端計算 。

所謂「雲端」其實就是泛指「網? 禲v ,名稱來自工程師在繪製示意圖時,常以一朵雲來代表「網路」。因此,「雲端運算」用白話文講就是「網路運算」。 舉凡運用網路溝通多台電腦的運算工作,或是透過網路連線取得由遠端主機提供的服務等,都可以算是一種「「雲端運算」。 所以說,「雲端運算」其實不是新技術,更嚴格的說,甚至不能算是「技術」。「雲端運算」是一種概念 ,代? 磲漪O利用網路使電腦能夠彼此合作或使服務更無遠弗屆。而在實現「概念」的? L程中,才會產生出相應的「技術」。

這就是 雲端技術的奧妙~ 還真有趣 !!

故事是這樣的 :

a phone call ~~ ringing...

客服:「請問還需要什麼嗎 ?」



Robocopy, Robust File Copy

Windows 2008的Robocopy,加參數 /COPYALL ,不等於加了 /SEC,複製完成後未包含ACL資訊。
